Airway Orthodontics & Your Kid’s Smile
Posted on February 10, 2022
Help your child breathe easier with a great smile.
You’re walking by your little one’s room and hear sounds reminiscent of a slumbering bear, only it’s not a bear – it’s your kid – snoring! The truth is sleep apnea isn’t rare. Millions of people ranging in age suffer from sleep apnea. In fact, 18 million adults in America suffer from sleep apnea, and 5% of children in America do, too.
Obstructive sleep apnea happens when your oropharyngeal airway closes off while you sleep and therefore stops your breathing. When that happens, your brain sends a signal to your body to wake up and start breathing again. This can cause restless nights, and an inability to experience the benefits of truly restorative sleep. Sleep apnea can cause problems not only with bothering your partner’s rest, but it can also put a strain on your heart and other systems.
So, with this month being Children’s Dental Health Month, we decided it was important to share some words of wisdom around helping your child sleep and breathe easier. After all, the best time to do airway orthodontics is when your child’s mouth is still developing.
Here’s the thing: Now, while CPAP machines help alleviate sleep apnea, they do nothing to fix the underlying issue causing it. Airway Orthodontics can not only help your little one sleep better, but it can also help them breathe better too. The key when considering Airway Orthodontics is to make sure you’re working with a doctor. that has experience treating these types of issues. Lucky for you, Dr. Gen does!
15 signs that may indicate your child suffers from sleep apnea:
1. Snoring
2. Ear/Sinus Infections
3. Restless Sleep
4. Short Attention Span or ADD/ADHD
5. Swollen Tonsils
6. High Blood Pressure
7. Moodiness
8. Mouth Breathing
9. Daytime Drowsiness
10. Chronic Allergies
11. Enlarged Adenoids
12. Overweight/Obesity
13. Bed Wetting
14. Facial & Jaw Deformities
15. Overlapping Incisors
At Success Orthodontics, Dr. Gen performs a complete examination to find the root cause of your sleep apnea. From there, Dr. Gen can recommend treatment options that can help reduce sleep apnea or stop it altogether. Airway Orthodontics isn’t the solution for all those suffering from sleep apnea, but it can help numerous people suffering from it.
For those interested in learning more about Airway Orthodontics, reach out to our team today to schedule your free evaluation. After all, everyone deserves a good night’s sleep – especially you and your little one!